The given crime v State

According to the Decree of the President of Russia of B.El'tsina financing of works on
construction of a temple of the Christ of the Savior should be carried out " without attraction of
budgetary appropriations, due to donations ". But on I.Ptichnikova's words, в1995 to year -
directors of Fund of support, " even if to establish urns (for donations) in each entrance, it will
not decide a problem of financing, would be possible to construct a temple not organizing any
funds, and having allocated money of the budget ".
B.El'tsin 226 from 07.06.95 одноразово has allocated with the Decree J.Luzhkovu " additional
money in Fund of the Victory and on a temple of the Christ of the Savior ", but it was made
officially and consequently could cause only support. Everything else on financing construction
of a temple is already there was an economic High treason.
Plunder of billions roubles from the budget of Moscow and Russia and illegal transfer of this
money to construction of a temple of the Christ of the Savior, extortion, racket of the
commercial organizations, compulsion of financing of this construction. One of clear proofs of
this crime - honour rolls in the temple begin with 1996, instead of with 1995. You see then
weights of the budgetary organizations перегонявших money through " funds of a payment "
would be published. Are covered in this crime both the Moscow and Russian authorities. In
Moscow each prefect, the chapter of Administration of area (then referred to-супрефект), the
head of department or the ministry was compelled for this purpose to rob muscovites and to
extort (with threats) money from the commercial organizations. The given crime - State,
therefore and investigation will not be carried out(spent), despite of enough of the
transferred(handed) facts, and for the present there are alive witnesses. And murders of
witnesses Moscow УФСБ carried out not only under J.Luzhkova's order, but also coordinated
with B.El'tsinym, and consecrated киллеров Алексий 2-nd. The only thing that was possible on
opening this crime, is it(him) to register from the third attempt at number 67/98 ОБЭП 1-st РУВД
ЦАО. As the crime - State, among the also V.Putin is afraid of his(its) investigation, trying to
stretch(drag out) this investigation in time and to close behind prescription. Beljaev Vladimir
Mihajlovich-----"ХРАМНЫЕ" AFFAIRS ЛУЖКОВА Years 1995 - 1996 1999-2001 your facts, y
1996 -1997
1999 -2001
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