Luzhkov - Mafia


1996 - 1997
To the main public prosecutor of of Moscow Герасимову S.I.
I ask to excite investigation on
criminal case of the mayor of Moscow by J.M.Luzhkova and his(its) assistant V.I.Resina -
kidnapping(abduction) of the budget of Moscow. Kidnapping(abduction) of the budget was
carried out by transfer of budgetary money in the budgetary organizations obliging them to
transfer money to construction of the Temple of the Christ of the Savior. It is known, that
Department of work and employment of Moscow under the decision of a management(manual)
of Department Kartashova, Карпенко Д., Кондрашовой С. " From means of fund of a payment
due to economy " the sum on 25 млн.руб per one quarter was listed(transferred), all was
planned 100 млн.руб. In the first and second quarter 1995 it was listed(transferred) on 25
million roubles. The document under the decision of a management(manual) of Department was
issued 14.02.95, in the second quarter this document was withdrawn. However in January,
1996 it became known on bodies of 290-8043 accounts 700530 in РКЦ-2 - that Department of
work and employment and further transferred money under this account. By the same phone to
me have told, as other Departments translated means. Clearly, that chiefs of divisions in it not
are guilty, they carried out J.Luzhkova's closed orders.
It is known also from muscovites and
other ways. Одноразово raised the salary to employees and obliged from to list(transfer) on
100тыс roubles. It is known, as the commercial organizations were forced to transfer money to
construction. For example at renewal of licenses of them money to construction of the Temple
all over again obliged to transfer. I ask to inform about an opportunity of investigation of
criminal case.
Beljaev Vladimir Mihajlovich.
109559, Moscow, Тихорецкий б-р, 14-1-35.
The newspaper "TODAY",
June, 28 95
As the deputy of the Moscow municipal duma Vyacheslav Makarov, a temple of the
Christ of the Savior in Moscow " has declared is under construction most likely not on national
donations, and on budgetary funds ". To such conclusion the commission headed by him(it) on
a social policy(politics) at which next session performances(statements) of representatives of
joint-stock company " Моспроект " were heard, Moscow patriarchy, fund of donations on
construction of a temple, critics has come. According to joint-stock company " Моспрпроект ",
daily on construction of a temple it is spent about 10 billion roubles of which only 1 billion is
made with donations. Besides Mr. Makarov, " considers the question is as a matter of fact not
about a reconstruction of former shape of a monument, and about new complex construction
which includes system of garages, lifts, administrative premises(rooms) for the Moscow
patriarchy ". A reconstruction of the temple blown up December, 5, 1931 began from 1994. It is
supposed to finish his(its) construction in 1997. However, in opinion руковожства communities
of a temple of the Christ of the Savior, " promised terms of construction will not be observed
and, probably, it will be stretched(dragged out) for decades ".
The newspaper " ЮВ the Courier " ¦
April, 7, ( 134 ) 1996
Moscow Southeast district
Our readers know, that within the framework of preparation for
celebrating a 850-anniversary of the basis of Moscow, under the initiative of the Moscow
patriarchy of Russian orthodox church and the government of Moscow, in capital restoration of
a historical, architectural and cultural monument to heroes of Domestic war of 1812 - the
Temple of the Christ of the Savior is conducted. According to the Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation and the decision of the government of Moscow " About a reconstruction of
the Temple of the Christ of the Savior in Moscow " financing of works on a reconstruction of the
Temple is carried out without attraction of budgetary appropriations, due to donations of the
enterprises, the organizations and the separate citizens acting in Fund of financial support of a
reconstruction of the Temple of the Christ of the Savior. With a view of maintenance of the
state support of performance of civil work with prefecture Southeast адмимнистративного
since March, 1995 active work on attraction of voluntary monetary payments from the
enterprises and организацийй, located on territory of district is developed(unwrapped). In
1995 in Fund of financial support of a reconstruction of the Temple of the Christ of the Savior
by district it is listed 513.8 млн.руб., that on 8,8 million roubles more stipulated by the task. The
largest sums are listed joint-stock companies " Заречье " (MT "Printers"), a factory " the Sickle
and молот ", the Bakery ¦ 12 (MT "Лефортово"), the Moscow gelatinous factory (MT "Textile
workers"), Joint-Stock Company " Спецсервис " (MT "Кузьминки"). According to the
established government of Moscow the planned target on attraction of money resources on
restoration of the Temple of the Christ of the Savior for 1996 prefecture lead up tasks to all
municipal areas TORZ Москомзема, THAT Москомимущества. As of March, 20 т.г. In Fund of
financial support from ЮВА!
О it is listed 217,2 млн.рублей, that makes 86,9 percents from a planned target 1 quarter. The
most significant sums are listed at participation ТОРЗ Москомзема (100,0 млн.руб). Fund
raising продол
According to the established government of Moscow the planned target on attraction of money
resources on restoration of the Temple of the Christ of the Savior for 1996 prefecture lead up
tasks to all municipal areas TORZ Москомзема, THAT Москомимущества. As of March, 20 т.г.
In Fund of financial support from ЮВАО it is listed 217,2 млн.рублей, that makes 86,9 percents
from a planned target 1 quarter. The most significant sums are listed at participation ТОРЗ
Москомзема (100,0 млн.руб). Fund raising proceeds.
Office of Public Prosecutor of Moscow
06.02.96 ¦ 32-Р-96
103006, Moscow, street. Петровка, 38, УБЭП the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow
109559, Moscow, Тихорецкий б-р, 14-1-35, Беляеву V.M.
the application gr-on Beljaeva V.M.
about illegal, in his(its) opinion, an expenditure of budgetary funds. I ask to consider and about
results to inform the applicant. The appendix: on 1 л. The public prosecutor of a department on
supervision of execution(performance) of laws and social sphere and about interethnic
attitudes(relations) ______________ V.P.Shuklova--------------------------__________________________
Ministry of Internal Affairs
3 Regional Department of Internal Affairs of the Central
administrative district of Moscow ОЭП
18.03.96 ¦ to/103-553 Mr. Beljaevu V.M.
Тихорецкий б-р, д.14/1, кв35
I Inform you, that your application ОЭП 3-rd Department of
Internal Affairs TSAO of Moscow is considered and transferred(handed) on
execution(performance) to 6 Departments of Internal Affairs TSAO of Moscow since the facts
specified in your application concern to competence ОЭП 6-th Department of Internal Affairs
TSAO in which territory there is a Department of work and employment of Moscow.
Chief ОЭП
3-rd Department of Internal Affairs TSAO of Moscow ________________ Bavykin B.K.

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