1999 -2001
To 1999 - 2001 Main public prosecutor of Moscow from Беляева В.М. the APPLICATION 26.01.96
in addresses of Offices of Public Prosecutor of Moscow and the Russian Federation was sent by
me the application on illegal use of budgetary funds of Moscow for construction of the Temple
of the Christ of the Savior, and compulsion in payment of construction by the commercial
organizations. As investigation was not carried out(spent), in July 1998г. the application was
repeatedly sent. However, till now it is not known in which organization of the Municipal
Department of Internal Affairs there is this business. In connection with stated I ask: 1. To
inform in what organization of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs there are
applications of 96 and 98 on financial affairs. 2. At continuation of investigation I ask to request
witness Makarova Vyacheslav Gennad'evicha - the former deputy of the municipal Duma of
convocation 93 - 97 published the facts on the same business in the newspaper "Today" in II
quarter 1995. As edition of the newspaper " ЮВ the courier " under clause(article) in this
newspaper in ¦ 7 ( 134 ) for April 96г. on the same question. About results of investigation I ask
to inform when due hereunder. 30 января.1999г. Beljaev V.M.-------------------------____________ to the
General public prosecutor of the Russian Federation of Ot Beljaeva Vladimir Mihajlovicha Liv
109559, Moscow, Тихорецкий б-р, д.14, кор.1, the sq. 35 APPLICATION I Ask to excite criminal
case on Luzhkova Jury Mihajlovicha's organized crime - the mayor of Moscow. A substantiation.
I, Beljaevym Vladimir Mihajlovichem, 25.06.96 years sent the application on criminal case
Лужкова Ю. on economic affairs (the appendix 1) in Office of Public Prosecutor of Moscow.
Business was not investigated till 1998. After the reference(manipulation) to the President of
the Russian Federation business was registered under ¦ 67/98 in ОЭП 1-st РУВД ЦАО Moscow.
However actually put the inspector it was not investigated. The document (answer Предсе!
лателя of committee of work and A.I.Zhdanova's employment) does not concern to the facts in
my application, concerns to present time. As other facts (appendices 2 and 3) are not
considered(examined) also. The inspector officially has refused to investigate it put in full...
[Внимание! Исходный текст был обрезан из-за ограничений демо-версии.] The document
(answer Предселателя of committee of work and A.I.Zhdanova's employment) does not
concern to the facts in my application, concerns to present time. As other facts (appendices 2
and 3) are not considered(examined) also. The inspector officially has refused to investigate it
put in full. In connection with stated I think, that business was not investigated under the
insisting of higher bodies and, obviously, under Luzhkova J.M.'s decree thus, there is the
criminal grouping hiding economic crimes. And the inspector ranked as business ¦ 67/98 in ОЭП
1-st РУВД ЦАО of Moscow - simply the executor of a criminal grouping. About results of
investigation I ask to inform when due hereunder. November, 05 1999г. Беляев V.M.appendi: 1.
The application to the Main public prosecutor from 25.01.96. (copy), 2. The application to the
Main public prosecutor from 30.01.99 (copy), 3. The application to the Main public prosecutor
from 16.03.99 (copy), 4. A copy of an information and clauses(articles) from the newspaper
"Today".------------------_____________________ 1. To the general public prosecutor of the Russian
Federation 2. To the chief of central administrative Board on struggle against Economic crimes
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Guryev Р.В. From Beljaeva Vladimir Mihajlovicha
the APPLICATION I Ask to lead(carry out) full investigation on business ¦ 67/98 in ОЭП 1-st РУВД
ЦАО Moscow. Thus I ask to transfer it put in Central administrative board on struggle against
economic crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. As ОЭП 1-st РУВД refuses to carry
out(spend) full investigation of an affair of J.M.Luzhkova. In part carried out(spent) for!
mal investigation concerning Department of work and employment concerns to present time,
instead of to time of 1995. specified in the application accounts of the specified Department,
other budgetary organizations, accounts of fund of a reconstruction of the Temple of the Christ
of the Savior were not checked. Other facts on this business (to business are enclosed)
(appendices 1,2,3,4) were not checked also. About the decision I ask сообщитиь when due
hereunder. November, 05 199г. Беляев V.M.appendi 1. The application to the main Thing
To the general public prosecutor of the Russian Federation Ustinovu V.V. from Beljaeva
Vladimir Mihajlovicha living 141100, Мос.обл., Shchelkovo, street. Central, д.9, sq. 317. the
APPLICATION. Business ¦ 6798 in ОБЭП 1-st РУВД ЦАО Moscow, about illegal use of financial
assets at construction of a temple of the Christ of the Savior is not investigated. The answer
from ОБЭП on ¦ Р-16 (the appendix 1) does not correspond(meet) to the validity. Therefore my
application from 05.11.99 (the appendix 2) remains in force. Also I ask to interrogate by
consideration of this affair not only J.M.Luzhkova, but also B.N.El'tsina, Алексия II, V.V.Putina
(under their consent) (the appendix 3). Beljaev V.M. 11.01.01. Appendices: 1. The answer of
chief ОБЭП of 1-st РУВД. 2. The application to the General Public prosecutor from 05.11.99. 3.
The application in the Internet.

the State OFFICE of Public PROSECUTOR of the Russian FEDERATION 17.04.2001 ¦
161-2175-2001 Беляеву V.M.you the reference(manipulation) about excitation and
investigation of criminal case concerning the mayor of of Moscow Luzhkova J.M. and other
persons who have made crimes in sphere of economy, is directed for check to Office of Public
Prosecutor of city of Moscow. Execution(performance) is supervised. You will be notified on
results of consideration and the accepted decision. The senior public prosecutor of a
department of management on supervision of consequence(investigation), inquiry and
operative - razysknoj activity in law-enforcement bodies ___________ J.F.Alekseev.

To the president of the Russian Federation Putin V.V.general to the public prosecutor of
Russian Federation Устинову В.В. From Беляева В.М. the APPLICATION Now in Russia the
crimes organized by the mayor of of Moscow by Luzhkovym Jury Mihajlovichem chronically are
not investigated. On my last application to the General public prosecutor of the Russian
Federation Ustinovu V.V. from 11.01.01 (the appendix 1) on Luzhkova J.M.'s High treason ¦
67/98 in ОБЭП 1-st РУВД ЦАО Moscow the answer of results of investigation are absent, are not
maintained the specified terms (in answer Мосгорпрокуратуры it is promised to give the
answer till June, 5 2001г) even for the standard formal reply (the appendix 2). Are not
investigated as well Luzhkova J.M.'s other crimes (appendices 3 and 4). Obviously you also will
show further to all world fear before Luzhkovym J.M., therefore I ask to send a copy of all
documents which are taking place on crimes of Luzhkova J.M. in the Interpol and in the Hague
tribunal. P.S. As FSB (or ФАПСИ?) My letter again to Russia will not pass(miss), I ask to count
the given application official and also to count official copies of the given application which will
be transferred(handed) to your addresses through possible(probable) MASS-MEDIA. 01.10.01.
Beljaev Vladimir Mihajlovich. Registered. 141100, the Moscow region, Shchelkovo, street.
Central 9 - 317. temporarily living C/o Migrationsverket, Box 44, 942 21 ALVSBYN SWEDEN Tel
070-3669076 70-3669076 Appendices 1. The application to the General Public prosecutor of the
Russian Federation from 11.01.01, 2. The answer of the State Office of Public Prosecutor from
17.04.2001 ¦ 16/1-2175-2001 3. The application to the Director of FSB Putinu V.V. from 23.12.98
and the answer of FSB from 28.12.98. 4. The text from the Internet.

LAST "HUMOUR" _____________________________----------------------------the Office of Public Prosecutor
hides Лужкова--------------------________________-------------------------------------------OFFICE OF PUBLIC
to Chief ОБЭП Department of Internal Affairs TSAO of of Moscow Чуприну В.А to the Chief 3
departments of management on supervision of execution(performance) of laws in
law-enforcement bodies of Office of Public Prosecutor of city of Moscow Дунаковой of
I.A.Beljaevu of V.M. acted(arrived) of Office of Public Prosecutor of city application Беляева for
disagreement with accepted ОБЭП 1 РУВД ЦАО г Moscow the decision on refusal in excitation
of criminal case under his(its) application in attitude(relation) Лужкова Ю.М (.ОМ 67/98). The
Office of Public Prosecutor of district requested materials of check 67/98 in ОБЭП Department
of Internal Affairs TSAO of Moscow. However from 2-nd МРОБЭП of Moscow of Shavostin A.V.
after long searches has informed, that they in archive of a department are not found by him(it)
and probably lost at crossing(moving) and reorganization of service. In this connection you
should lead(carry out) service check on the fact of loss of materials in case of detection of
materials immediately to present them to Office of Public Prosecutor of district, to arrange on
restoration of materials of check by repeated realization of check by way of item 109 УПК
RSFSR. On results of check to notify the applicant and Office of Public Prosecutor of district by
25.07.2001 the Appendix: application Беляева and the appendix to it(him), all on 3 sheets in 1
Зам address. и.о.прокурора ЦАО Moscow _____ (Still... в) __ A.I.Chubenko---------------_____________
This document - the guide to action on withdrawal and destruction (... At crossing(moving) and
reorganization of service...) Documents on crime Лужкова. And the following document is
already their final attempt of closing of criminal case Лужкова. By the way, these documents
were sent in my address only at the end of October. And certainly the information at лужковцев
is, that else in the beginning of July I have emigrated from Лужмафии and киллеров from
МосУФСБ, have sought asylum and now I live in Finland. And these documents has received on
E-mail. At desire the Office of Public Prosecutor can receive the basic copies of documents on
crime Лужкова 67/98 in http: // xram-luj.narod.ru, http: // lujkov1.narod.ru, from V.Putina and
V.Ustinova. If лужгебешники these sites will close, то.документы will be republished again in
polit.ru.------------------------____________________ the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of of Moscow the DEPARTMENT of
Internal AFFAIRS of the Central administrative district (to them(him,it). J.M.Luzhkova)
CRIMINAL MILITIA a department on struggle against economic crimes. 03.09.02 01/4-2/Б-36
Beljaevu V.M. I inform, that your application concerning a reconstruction of a temple of the
Christ of the Savior is considered. The bases for excitation of criminal case it is not
established, in this connection the decision about refusal in excitation of criminal case on an
item of an item 5 of item. 1 113 УПК RSFSR is born. The chief 2 МРОБЭП Department of Internal
Affairs TSAO of Moscow _____________ A.A.Feodor
Luzhkov - Mafia
E-mail: belvo1@freemail.ru
  To 1999 - 2001 Main public prosecutor of Moscow from Беляева В.М. the APPLICATION 26.01.96
in addresses of Offices of Public Prosecutor of Moscow and the Russian Federation was sent by
me the application on illegal use of budgetary funds of Moscow for construction of the Temple
of the Christ of the Savior, and compulsion in payment of construction by the commercial
organizations. As investigation was not carried out(spent), in July 1998г. the application was
repeatedly sent. However, till now it is not known in which organization of the Municipal
Department of Internal Affairs there is this business. In connection with stated I ask: 1. To
inform in what organization of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs there are
applications of 96 and 98 on financial affairs. 2. At continuation of investigation I ask to request
witness Makarova Vyacheslav Gennad'evicha - the former deputy of the municipal Duma of
convocation 93 - 97 published the facts on the same business in the newspaper "Today" in II
quarter 1995. As edition of the newspaper " ЮВ the courier " under clause(article) in this
newspaper in ¦ 7 ( 134 ) for April 96г. on the same question. About results of investigation I ask
to inform when due hereunder. 30 января.1999г. Beljaev V.M.-------------------------____________ to the
General public prosecutor of the Russian Federation of Ot Beljaeva Vladimir Mihajlovicha Liv
109559, Moscow, Тихорецкий б-р, д.14, кор.1, the sq. 35 APPLICATION I Ask to excite criminal
case on Luzhkova Jury Mihajlovicha's organized crime - the mayor of Moscow. A substantiation.
I, Beljaevym Vladimir Mihajlovichem, 25.06.96 years sent the application on criminal case
Лужкова Ю. on economic affairs (the appendix 1) in Office of Public Prosecutor of Moscow.
Business was not investigated till 1998. After the reference(manipulation) to the President of
the Russian Federation business was registered under ¦ 67/98 in ОЭП 1-st РУВД ЦАО Moscow.
However actually put the inspector it was not investigated. The document (answer Предсе!
лателя of committee of work and A.I.Zhdanova's empl

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